Côte à côte & tous ensembles pour la jeunesse rurale
Side By Side & Altogether
for Rural Youth
Pays participants: France, Géorgie, Croatie, Ukraine, Roumanie, Turquie.
05–12 décembre 2019, Samsun (Turquie)
Nombre des participants: 32
Le but de cet événement CME (contact making event, faire des contacts) est l’amélioration des compétences, des connaissances de l’expertise de jeunes utilisés dans leurs travail au quotidien tout en travaillant avec des jeunes désavantagés habitants dans les régions rurales. Ce CME projet vise également à élargir la portée et les possibilités des associations partenaire et agrandit leurs potentiels de travail à l’échelle internationale.
Les objectives de cet événement CME étaient:
Encourager les partenariats et augmenter la capacité d’intégrer des organisations de jeunesse à fin de mettre en œuvre des activités avec les jeunes des régions rurales;
Explorer les possibilités éducatives formelles et non-formelles pour développer la jeunesse au travail et suivre les pays ayant de bonnes pratiques dans ce domaine;
Augmenter la conscience d’une gestion efficace des projets de la jeunesse locale;
Discuter, établir ou développer des standards de qualité adaptés à fin d’intégrer des association;
Développer les idées pour les projets Erasmus+ pour une coopération et un partenariat dans l’avenir.

The Contact Making Event (CME) aimed to build and strengthen partnership among involving organizations, exchange their experience in the management of local and international youth projects, discuss achievements and key elements of the success and winning strategies, but also practices or situations found difficult to manage in rural youth work practice,
create an action plan for future cooperation and develop together the TC or YE applications.
The objectives of the CME were:
. To foster partnership and increase the capacity of involved youth organizations to implement the activities with youth from rural areas
. To explore formal and non-formal educational facilities for youth workers' development and review the countries having the best practices in this field
. To increase a consciousness of an efficient management of local youth projects
. To discuss, set new or develop adapted quality standards for involved NGOs in youth work practice
. To develop the Erasmus + project ideas for future cooperation and partnership building.
The project fully covered the following phases: preparation, implementation and dissemination of the project results. In this process there were completely involved each
organization and participants and that is why we consider that our work during all this time was very beneficial and fruitful not only for each of us, but also every person who is
connected with us and our organizations through our working or personal channels.
We did our best in order to follow our plan in every aspect of our CME.
Our project implementation phase was based on Group building activities with vary scenarios, workshops and presentations, prior-arrival tasks, challenging activities, small
researches before, during and after the project, simulations and role plays, face to face meetings during the activity and online conversations before and after activity,
evaluations and reflections on a daily basis and final evaluation,working on local and international projects' development under the Erasmus +.
We managed to contribute our shares in better inclusion of local youth and partner organizations beneficiaries, community development of participating countries and areas
around our organizations are established.
32 youth workers were involved into our training course including the trainers and each of them fulfill the following criteria what we had set during our preparation phase of the project.
All of the participants are close to their communities' social life and problems which exist there, some of them experience these problems on them some of them face in their daily working practice, all of them were eager and expressed their wish to develop their skills in this field, share their knowledge and gain new experiences, best practices and working methods, the majority of them are involved into the local rural projects which are mainly supported by the local governments or foundations and receiving continuous youth work development training courses and all of them are devoted to act as multipliers of their new skills and knowledge in youth work at a local or international level. They had also a keen interest in creating stronger links with other youth workers.
Association de Développement Rural International du Bas-Ségala, France
Urbana Mladez, Crotia
REDI, Ukraine
Friend of the Village, Georgia
Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initi Ativa Civica, Romania
BallıbaÄŸ Köyü YardımlaÅŸma ve Dayanışma DerneÄŸi, Turkey
This project has been funded by European Commission under Erasmus+ Programme