Les inégalités de genre et Les médias de masses
Gender Equality and Mass Media

Nous avions pour objectif avec nos partenaires dans ce projet de sensibiliser les jeunes sur le rôle des médias dans la diffusion des stéréotypes de genre et l’influence négative qu’elles peuvent avoir sur un groupe social par la diffusion d’informations trompeuses.
Nous avions voulu attirer l’attention de nos participants sur les potentiels dangers des médias. Notamment, ils peuvent inciter au sexisme, à la violence, à des discriminations envers certains groupes sociaux ou envers les femmes et au cyber-harcèlement.
Par divers ateliers et activités non formelles, nous souhaitions atteindre les objectifs suivant:
Aborder la question de l'inégalité des genres et des stéréotypes dans les médias de chaque pays.
Mener une réflexion sur le danger des messages transmis par les médias de masse dans l’incitation au sexisme, aux violences et aux discriminations.
Étudier la question de l'écart entre les hommes et femmes dans l'industrie des médias et de la presse et ses conséquences sur la société.
Apprendre aux jeunes à se servir des réseaux sociaux pour promouvoir les droits de l'homme, l'égalité des sexes et l'inclusion sociale.
Apprendre aux participants à travailler en équipe et à gérer un projet au cours des ateliers.
Faire comprendre l'importance de l'éducation non formelle et du Youth Pass.
Susciter l'intérêt des participants pour la citoyenneté active et pour les futurs projets Erasmus
According to the research of the world monitoring project of news media, the issue of the gender gap in the mass media industry has been not overcome jet in any country. Indeed, the majority of hard news such as political, economy and government are still written mostly by male journalists, whereas female journalists use to write less relevant articles. This situation causes a lack of female opinions on the most relevant thematics in society and reinforces the idea that women are only able to debate futile matters. Moreover, most of the articles about sexual violence and sexual harassment against women are written by men under their point of view and usually describe women as weak and guilty victims. The consequences of the under-representation of women in the mass media industry are, the conservation of certain gender stereotypes in the society which damaging gender equality and human rights and reinforce the use of sexism behaviors even between politicians and public figures.
The result is that discrimination attitudes and sexism also spread between the youngsters who are continuously consuming social media and mass media's information and imagines. The idea of this project deal with the willingness from our partnership to make young people aware of the relevant role mass media play in the dissemination of gender stereotypes and how they can damage a specific social group by transmitting wrong messages. We want our participants to understand that the way some information and new are spread by media can be dangerous for the instigation and justification of certain problematic behaviors such as sexism, cyber-harassment, violence, and discrimination against women, but also other social groups. Moreover, we want to inform them about the gender gap still existing in the media industry and its consequences in the determination of certain stereotypes such as the idea that women are not suitable with politics or economy matters.
The European Union has become more and more careful with the thematic of gender equality in the media, so through this project, we want to contribute pursuing the European values and promoting the use of media as a tool to guarantee human rights and social inclusion between young people.
We want to open a debate with participants about these topics and know their opinions to share information about the situation of the gender gap in each country and compare different points of view.
--Through workshops and non-formal activities we want to pursue the following objectives:
--Talking about the issue of gender inequality and stereotypes in media information in each country;
--Reflecting on the danger of mass media messages in instigating sexism, violence, and discrimination;
--Learning the issue of the gender gap in the media industry and press and its consequences on the society;
--To aware young people in the use of social media and mass media for the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and social inclusion;
--Learning how to work in a team and manage a project during the three workshops;
--Understanding the importance of non-formal education and Youth Pass;
--Raising the interest of participants in active citizenship and in future Erasmus + projects.