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Ethics of Youth Work

Etica del trabajo en el ambito de la juventud


Asociación Socio-Cultural VerdeSur Alcalá, Spain (Coordinator)

Association de Développement Rural International du Bas-Ségala, France

Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület, Hungary

Youth Development and Enterprise Association, Türkiye

Associação Inspira! - Intervenção juvenil e ambiental, Portugal



Development Center of Vojvodina, Serbia

VulcanicaMente APS, Italy


The purpose of youth work is to facilitate and support young people’s growth through dependence to interdependence, by encouraging their personal and social development and enabling them to have a voice, influence and place in their communities and society.Ethics is generally regarded as being about the norms of behaviour people follow regarding what is good or bad, right or wrong. Usually ethical issues are about matters of human (and animal) wellbeing or welfare. Although, ethical youth work practice is often defined through a set of ethical “standards” encompassing ethical principles and values, specific rules and policies, and moral qualities, dispositions and competences (Banks,2000). While implementing local, national and international projects, we have quality schemes put by the European Commission though, we have our own way of implementing activities. Ethical issues are therefore endemic in youth work. As an activity or social practice, youth work involves working with participants who have fewer rights than adults, are often vulnerable, lack power and may be suggestible – hence giving scope for their exploitation, harm or manipulation. As an occupation working within the welfare system, youth work shares with social work, nursing and medicine the classic tensions between respecting individual choice and promoting the public good; and between empowering and controlling its service users. Insofar as it is an occupation concerned with providing a service, youth work shares with a broad group of occupations, commonly classed as professions, concerns about the professional integrity, trustworthiness and honesty of its practitioners. Within this training course, we will make the youth workers to reflect about the ethical issues int heir daily work through a set of virtual and face to face activities. We will increase the capacities of youth workers to conduct their work and develop ethical practices which are about building trust by role-modelling ethical behaviour, and applying principles and values consistently in decision-making. The project will give an idea to the youth workers about their ethical practices and how they conduct the youth work from the international activities to local activities that they engage with the young people and how the youth work processes can be tailored to the young person's needs without creating a harm or disturbance in the communities. We have identified the gap within the projects that are run.

The objectives of the project are; - To equip youth workers for promoting the ethical practices in the field of youth work by increasing their awareness on the ethical questions in the youth work practices - To make youth workers able to develop code of conduct guidelines and policies for their organisations to increase the quality of the youth work - To make youth workers able to make ethical decisions and develop programs focusing on ethics education by analysing the situation in their own communities - To make organisations internalise the ethical practices from development to implementation of the project activities - To develop partnerships in the field of youth work and ethics of youth work


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