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ADRIBS France participated to

” Sustainable Youth” 2022-3-TR01-KA153-YOU-000098840

Youth Worker Mobility Project

28 August – 03 September 2023

Tarsus / Mersin/ Türkiye











The general purpose of the project was to contribute to more qualified youth practices on environmental literacy by the partners by increasing the innovative pedagogical (in terms of approach, method and technique) capacity of youth workers on environmental literacy throughout the life of the project. For this purpose, within the scope of the project; from the Sustainable Development Goals to increase the pedagogical and skill capacity of youth workers on environmental literacy; it was considered the targets of "Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Production and Consumption and Climate Action" as the TOP THEME. Within the scope of the project, each partner worked on a different SUB THEME activities for these goals. These sub-themes (of the 10 skills required in 2025, according to the Future of Jobs Report 2020 - WEF);

* analytical thinking and innovation,

* complex problem solving,

* creativity, originality and entrepreneurship,

* critical thinking and analysis

* leadership and social impact,

* technology use, monitoring and control skills.

The 6 organizations involved in the project were NGOs working in the field of youth. 5 youth workers and 1 trainer / facilitator from each partner organization participated in the project activity. In total, 36 people, including 30 youth workers and 6 trainers / facilitators, took part in the activity.


ADRIBS' roles were 

- to prepare a workshop on


Workshop: On the basis of workshop, peer learning, interactive thematic play, simulation, collaborative working methods, interactive presentations, critical discussion, role playing / drama, design / drawing, written and oral storytelling, station techniques, case study, brainstorming, six thinking hats technique et al. methods and techniques were used.

- Submission of Youthpass Certificate

- Completing the Procedure for Participant Youthpass Certificate

- Socialization / Energizer / Team Spirit Activity, and cultural night preparation.



Coordinator: TÜRKÄ°YE: Ä°novatif ve GiriÅŸimci Toplum DerneÄŸi - Ä°NOGÄ°T


FRANCE: Association de Développement Rural International du Bas-Ségala - ADRIBS




ITALY: Floweur A.P.S.


ROMANIA: Asociatia Share Education. Impartasim Educatie - SHARE EDUCATION,




sustainable Youth Booklet.png

The goals of the project:

- to develop the skills of analytical thinking and innovation, complex problem solving, creativity, originality and entrepreneurship, critical thinking and analysis, leadership and social impact and technology use, monitoring and control of 30 youth workers from partner countries;

- developing a handbook containing the activities carried out in the project for use as learning material for partner organisations.


The handbook is available at:






















This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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