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Discovering Sexist Behaviours in Youth Project




WhatsApp Image 2022-07-05 at 18.11.01.jpeg

ADRIBS' team participated to Discovering Sexist

Behaviours in Youth Project (2021-1-PL01-KA153-YOU-000006549) which was held between 27th June and 5th of July in Spain.

The objectives of this training course:

1. Understanding the forms of abuse and discrimination suffered by youth, through the analysis of the everyday sexism phenomena in society.

We aim to be able to detect early signs of discrimination and power abuse or misuse and understand under which circumstances they are more

likely to happen, in order to set the grounds for the counteracting steps to be chosen.

2. Exchanging tools regarding ways of counteracting this kind of abuse and discrimination. We are seeking to gain in-depth knowledge of the

participating entities, as well as the main tools with which they resolve and react to discriminating, violent and abusive situations related to

sexism, in each country, when they occur, to better support the young people with whom we work daily.

3. Creating a strong network of international cooperation, for the consistent counteracting of everyday sexism in youth.

Thank you Permacultura Cantabria for involving our team to this amazing project.

This project is funded by European Commission under Erasmus+

Thank you Youth ID for your support to find participants.


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