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Youth Workers Mobility
23.05.2022 – 01.06.2022
Antalya, Türkiye

Ecotopian Youthlanders (Jeunesse Écotopienne): Atteindre les objectifs environnementaux!  Mobilité des jeunes travailleurs


Dans le cadre de ce projet nous avons cherché à montrer  les défis existants dans nos pays, parler des problèmes environnementaux et climatiques dans le monde entier. Nous avons étudié les sujets sur la réduction de la production de déchets et l'acquisition des compétences pratiques pour changer nos comportements afin d’adopter un comportement écologique. Nous avons introduit l’exemple du fonctionnement des Éco-villages. Nous avons aussi abordé l’idée de l’économie circulaire (CE) . Ainsi nous avons créé une boîte à outils pour les jeunes travailleurs .

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Environmental problems have attracted the attention all over the world. People are becoming increasingly conscious of variety of problems like global warming, air, water and land pollution. Most of the environmental problems could be caused by man-made pollution which not only damage natural resources, but also its effect is also very dangerous. Waste disposal is an immediate and critical issue for the communities now and ineffective or irresponsible disposal of solid waste pollutes the environment and pose health risk to public. Also we see that Waste management technologies like land filling and incineration are not a complete solution to this problem. It is a well-meant that waste is nothing but useful material at wrong place. There is no material in this world, which is not useful in one-way or the other. Also there is no material, which is created out of nothing. Just as types of wastes are changing, so must the attitude of people towards waste must change. People must realize that the solution lies in using waste as a resource rather than to be destroyed. Here comes into play "Circular Economy" (CE) nowadays we see the positive effects of it in Environmental and Climate Change issues.


Through this project we will be fulfilling the following objectives: we will show up and visualize the challenges existing in our countries, speak up about Environmental and Climate change problems worldwide, explore waste reduction management topics and gain practical skills how to change our behaviors and being introduced Eco-Village functioning of real-life example. We will explore also the Circular Economy (CE) idea and will create a supportive toolkit for youth workers.



Association de Développment Rural International du Bas Ségala, France


Civic Organization "Development and Initiative" - Ukraine Friend of the village - Georgia


S.S. Ulupinar Cevre Koruma Gelistirme ve Isletme Kooperatifi - Türkiye

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